Thursday, 21 May 2015

Teri Daya Se - Sai Ne Kaha Hai Sabka Malik Ek Hai

Two Albums by Mr.Rana Gill (Canada) have been posted on this blog recently. All Bhajans of both albums have been very popular and most downloaded. Last month he was on India tour for performing in various Bhajan Sandhyas mostly in Northern part of India and Gujarat. He even had the opportunity to sing Lord Sai Baba's glory in His very own Darbar, Shirdi. On April 27th, Bhajan Sandhya was organised on large scale in Delhi. There his another album "Sai Ne Kaha Hai Sabaka Malik Ek Hai" was released.

About 3000 copies of the album were distributed free of cost by Mr. Rana Gill. In most of his live performances at Shirdi and other places. The album had been released by Sai Glory Production.

I had been fortunate to attend Mr. Gill's live performances in Shirdi and Ahmedabad about twice. Also he had been to my home and spent fabulous spiritual times together about Three years ago. He is far above a great spiritual personally rather than Bhajan Singer and Writer. Lord Shri Baba had poured so much grace on him and he had come up with this new album "Sai Ne Kaha Hai Sabaka Malik Ek Hai" on which he not only believe in but live on this mantra.

First time on this blog with Mr Gill's permission we are releasing this album and it will be available for free download. There are total eleven tracks in this album. All Bhajans are mesmerizing and sole touching and voice of true devotee's heart.

We are sharing first track from Album - Sai Ne Kaha Hai Sabka Malik Ek Hai, sung by Rana Gill.

In this Bhajan, singer sings that because of grace of Shirdi Sai Baba he is singing His glory.

Download Link

Shirdi Sai Baba Bhajan Mala


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